Bespoke Scoreboards have launched their new website – built by John Fuller of Cricket Yorkshire. Bespoke Scoreboards are a family business, based in Morley, who sell a comprehensive range of cricket scoreboards to cricket clubs and schools. As M Jay Electronics Ltd, the team at Albion Mills in LS27 have decades of electronics experience and […]
Cricket scoring
Bespoke Scoreboards: The Yorkshire family blending electronics with cricket
The red brick frontage of Albion Mills on Church Street in Morley, with its bright blue doors, felt like Dr Who’s TARDIS with the chance to step into another world. Greeted by Jennifer, part of the Varley family hat-trick along with husband John and son David, M-Jay Electronics Ltd have been at Albion Mills over […]
How to update your cricket club’s Daktronics scoreboard
In this content collaboration with Bespoke Scoreboards, we are looking at a common question they have been asked over the past year. Daktronics scoreboards were a popular option for cricket clubs and they have been installed across the UK. Bespoke Scoreboards get requests from cricket clubs who have a Daktronics scoreboard / electrical components to […]
Sarah Pollard: Inspiring current and future cricket scorers
Chatting to Sarah Pollard on a Zoom call, the story of Yorkshire’s County Scoring Officer is one of a love of maths but also sharing knowledge with others. In both her day job as a secondary school maths teacher and outside of that as a Level 3 cricket scorer (that’s Advanced to you and I), […]
Motley Almanack: The joy of club cricket statistics
It came in the post before Christmas. An A4, ring-bound compilation from the Yorkshire Cricket Southern Premier League. The Motley Almanac. A statistical review of the season for 2023. So named after Kevin Motley, a scorer for Harrogate, Barnsley Woolley Miners and the Yorkshire Diamonds who passed away in 2023. I didn’t know the entirety […]
Play-Cricket: Clubs’ discontent with live scores rumbles on
Technology is great – until it doesn’t work. The ECB’s Play-Cricket platform where clubs across England and Wales display fixtures, results, scorecards and stats is under uncomfortable scrutiny. There have been problems for weeks now, drawing stinging criticism from players, clubs and leagues. Live-scoring down The focus is the live scoring service whereby cricket clubs […]