Hello! If you’re on this page, you’re interested in cricket writing and you’ve certainly come to the right place.
We are always looking for new contributors to the website.

Are you a club cricketer? Do you already write about cricket for a club or league?
Study journalism at university? Know your club cricket and want to tackle a subject?
This is your chance to air your opinions and show what you can do as a writer in front of a global audience.
CricketYorkshire.com is a trusted voice featuring stories from both the professional and amateur game in Yorkshire.
We get 225,000 visitors a year to the website and 8,000+ cricket fans follow us on Facebook.
Anyone can write for us and all ideas are considered carefully. Have a quick look at the criteria below then drop me an email.

What’s in it for me?
It is a chance to interview, investigate, champion and marvel; an opportunity to showcase your writing; a prime way to promote a cricket club or league.
Your article will be published on cricketyorkshire.com and promoted across Facebook, Google News and our Cricket Yorkshire newsletter.
Thousands will see it and if it’s shared, you can multiple that number many, many times. Oh yes, we sometimes go viral.
I’m a freelance cricket journalist with 20 years’ experience and can help anyone who takes the time to contribute to Cricket Yorkshire with their own writing.
Want to write for Cricket Yorkshire? Have a think about what inspires you and then Get in touch!

How to get published on Cricket Yorkshire
1. Click round to get a feel for the content and style of the website. The writing is Yorkshire-focussed, about the grassroots game (non-professional, not YCCC), feature-led (no news or results) and isn’t reproducing something second-hand.
2. Before writing anything, email me your idea (so I can check it’s the right fit or in case I’m already doing something similar), you’ll get a prompt reply and feedback on the ideas.
3. Over to you…If accepted, email the article over and I will edit, proofread, add headlines and photos.
4. All articles are edited in-house so don’t worry if you aren’t a professor of English. (Me neither). We’re more than happy to knock copy into shape.

Email your ideas…
Get your thinking cap on and we look forward to showcasing your writing on Cricket Yorkshire.
Feel free to email me anytime with questions.
All the best, John Fuller