5 Easy Tips to Make More Money for your Cricket Club
(in less than 15 minutes)
If you’re involved in running a cricket club then you’re already familiar with juggling many roles with your job and family commitments.
Earning more for your cricket club doesn’t have to mean more hours, admin or stress. It’s as much about adapting what you currently do and taking a different approach as being over-ambitious.
It can feel too ‘corporate’ to talk about money, growth and revenue with a club that is at the heart of a community and like a family to many.
The truth is that earning more through membership, sponsorship or fundraising allows your club the chance to offer more playing opportunities with new teams, better facilities and improved overall experience for years to come.

A major leap forward for your cricket club is to simply review how you currently do things. With all that there is to fit in, this might feel like Mission Impossible.
BUT, not doing it is what holds back the majority of cricket clubs.

As a small number of volunteers already juggle the lion’s share of the admin, they understandably dismiss anything that adds to their workload.
Successful cricket clubs do the OPPOSITE!
There is another way and it will generate incredible results.
By reviewing how you currently do things, you’ll discover a ton of things that you can ditch because they don’t work well.
Best of all, I’ve written it up for you in my quick, easy-read download, where I show you exactly how you can make fast changes at your club that will lead to more members, more sponsors and less stress and pressure for you!

- Uncover the part of your cricket club that no one pays attention to
- The cricket club MOT that gives you quick wins
- Discover the simple mindset shift to skyrocket your commercial success
- How to get sponsors to want to give you money and support
- Unlock more members with an easy fix to your website
- Why website gremlins hold you back (and how to defeat them)
- Getting more income from your online shop
- The hassle-free way to get 95%+ member renewals
Why is this free?
No, there aren’t any restrictions, expectations or demands!
To be honest with you, this is purely about offering some ideas that will help your cricket club.
With everything that happens during the year (hands up who’s heard non-cricketers say, ‘What do you do when there’s no cricket?‘), it can be hard to draw breath and think beyond the next committee meeting.
But, what would you like to achieve at your cricket club in the next 6 months? To get there, you’ll need a way to fund those ambitions.
I want to help you make even more of a difference than you already are.
A roadmap to help your club grow. But Rome wasn’t built in a day…
So, how about I start right now and give you this guide for FREE to get the ball rolling…
If you like what I do then it’s win-win and later on, you may choose to try one of my courses.
Until then, get my FREE Guide How to Double Your Cricket Club Income and see what’s possible in a short space of time.
✔️ More members
✔️ More sponsors
✔️ Stronger financial future

Over the last decade as a journalist, I’ve run the award-winning grassroots cricket website, Cricket Yorkshire, discussing issues in club cricket week-in, week-out. I’m also the author of Last of the Summer Wickets and All Wickets Great and Small; a tour of Yorkshire’s grassroots game to meet those who make it all happen.
I played club cricket for 25 years, serving on committees and helping to bring in sponsors and grants for clubs across England.
As a club volunteer, it wasn’t plain sailing. It was stressful and overwhelming at times but we all do it for the love of cricket and I learnt plenty along the way.
I’ve written this guide to support those in club cricket; to help you save time, effort and encourage the money to flow in.